Cloudburst background: 'O Gracious Light'

I still can't access my personal site, so here on the Posterous blog goes the background post to today's Cloudburst Poetry offering, "O Gracious Light."

Lately, I've been doing a number of lyrics for songs. So today's poem may wind up on some sheet music before long as well. But first the Cloudburst subscribers get it.

As I mentioned in the email, the list server is down, too (the sky is falling!), so I sent it straight to the addresses on the list. I get a weekly email report of those, so I have them tucked away for days such as these.

The first stanza, of four, is below, and was suggested to me by text somewhere in some Daily Office or Common Prayer, which I can't find right at the moment. I reproduced "everliving" as it was in the text, so don't bicker with me on that.

O gracious light, so pure and bright,
The Father everliving;
O Lord so blessed, the Christ of rest,
The Son of God is giving.

Not a syllable too many, and none missing.

The poem was written on Leap Day. Appropriate, no?

Before long, I may be moving the Cloudburst site, so take a gander at the old one before it goes into virtual oblivion. Check out the FAQ and why I don't publish the Cloudburst list on the Internet.