Hidden and revealed - read the Word Cue from this devotional, from TDNT!

Word Cue: Hide (Gr., krupto). “… God Himself judicially hides the knowledge of salvation from those who do not seek it seriously. …  Jesus extols the divine direction even in its paradoxical character, which sets in the wrong all human arrogance.” (Oepke, TDNT III: 973)

Who said academic reference works weren't quotable? Read the whole devotional by clicking on the little link right above.

Begin with the end in mind, says Covey. Then why don't we start the new year ...

If we should, as Stephen R. Covey wrote in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, begin with the end in mind, why don't we start the new year reading Revelation?

The book usually comes last in most reading plans. Mine, for this year, is an exception, but it still comes toward the end. I don't recall ever seeing the book of Revelation at the beginning of a daily Bible reading schedule.

Should we rethink this?