Most important thing I write today

Probably the best and most important piece I'll write all day.

May we to your Messiah fly

O God of peace who freely shares,
In fretful hearts come reign;
We leave before your throne our cares,
Our hurts, our fears, our pain.

Read all five stanzas.

Do people have something against reading (and amening) prayers online?

3 responses
Randy, a beautiful prayer. I've wondered the same from time to time. Like many things that people oppose in the name of religion, if they do, they do so in ignorance, failing to realize that all the prayers in the Bible are "written prayers." Today I have read prayers by George MacDonald, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Walt Whitman, as well as J. Randal Matheny. Each drove me to pray myself because the written prayer awakened awareness within me of some item I needed to discuss with God.
The Believing Prayer site has gotten the least traction of all the things I've done on the Internet, Michael. I wonder if it has been lack of attention on my part, or if there's something more behind it. Hard to say. You're exactly right about written prayers. Thanks!
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