New study series at Taubaté

This afternoon in Taubaté for the Bible study we began a new series, by request, on the New Testament church. The first section deals with the church's essence. Three points will define it, and we covered the first of the three today, which are:

  1. The church as a project in God's mind.
  2. The church as the prophecy of the Spirit about new times.
  3. The church as the people of Christ's kingdom.

We started late today (our time is 4 pm) because of a government entrance exam held at the University of Taubaté right behind us. There was no parking on the street anywhere for blocks around us.

We had 18 in attendance today, a good number for us at Taubaté.

What causes boomers in Taubaté? : Sua Cidade na Internet : Taubaté: moradores se assustam com nova e misteriosa explosão e tremor de casas on Agoravale

Um novo e misterioso estrondo assustou os 280 mil habitantes de Taubaté na manhã de ontem, quarta-feira (14).
The 280k inhabitants of the city of #Taubaté want to know where the booms are coming from that shake houses. One hit yesterday, similar to the first one last November. No one seems to know what is causing them.

We work in this city also, as well as our home in #SJCampos. It's about 30 minutes away from us. I'd like to cause some noise there, too, but with an identifiable sound and source. #Brazil
via Friendica