Acquisition FAQ – Posterous Spaces

What happens to my Space? Will Posterous eventually shut down?
You can use your Space(s) exactly as you have in the past. We’ll give you ample notice before any changes or disruptions to the service and we’ll provide specific instructions for exporting your content to another service.

Can I still post to my Space?
Yes, you can continue to post via email the Web or our iPhone or Android apps. We’ll give you ample notice before any changes or disruptions to the service.

How can I backup or export the content of my Space(s)?
We’ll share instructions on how you can backup the content of your Space soon.

What happens to my content if I don’t do anything to my Posterous account?
We’ll give you ample notice before any changes to the service and we’ll share clear instructions about how to move your content to other services. In the meantime, your Spaces will remain up and running without disruption.

I bought a custom domain from Posterous – what happens to it?
Our domain partner, eNom, will take over domain management. Over the next several days, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing your new domain account.

I am redirecting my domain/subdomain to Posterous – what do I need to do?
Your domain or subdomain will continue to point to your Posterous Space. You do not need to change anything.

Can I export my Space’s to Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger, or another service?
Over the coming weeks we’ll provide you with specific instructions for exporting your content to other services.

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