Brazil protests

Protestors have blocked off the access to the São Paulo international airport. No vehicles are getting in or out, apparently, according to the Estadão website. Police have started shooting up in the air. Three vehicles were attacked. How far will this go?

There were protests yesterday and today here in SJCampos, most downtown and around the Dutra highway. So far, all is quiet in our part of town.

And Brad Pitt has cancelled a trip to Brazil because of the protests. So there.

My article today on FMag: Stealing Children

My editorial for the "Final Phase" column on Forthright Magazine today is called "Stealing Children" and makes a spiritual application.

A close friend of ours was in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago with his daughter of four. He pulled the shopping cart up to the checkout counter, picked his daughter up out of the cart and set her down beside him, then began unloading his items on the conveyor belt. When he finished, he turned to his daughter, but she was gone.

Be sure to check it out. I suspect it will provoke reactions.