GOP, what are you so afraid of? | The Daily Caller

I’ve had about enough of folks on the right trying to discourage candidates from running by insisting right off the bat that they could never win. Candidates are labeled unelectable, unpresidential, too polarizing, not polished enough, too unconventional, or some other absurd description. And so I ask — what are you folks so afraid of? Why are you so terrified of Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, and others entering the race and showing voters what they’ve got? Whether or not they are able to adeptly articulate their message and/or possess a proven commitment to conservatism will be heard by voters. The American people will make their decision. And I have to question the motives of anyone who wants to silence a candidate before the battle has even begun.

President Lula's successor ought to follow his lead: Learning from Lula | The Weekly Standard

Dilma Rousseff should follow his lead on economic policy, but not on foreign affairs.

We won't get our hopes up that president-elect Dilma, taking charge Jan.1, will change directions in foreign affairs. She'll probably play the fool like her predecessor. We just might hope for continued economic policy, but watch out for her social changes. Those promise to raise some stink. Meanwhile, the gospel continues to be preached.