Please pray for our trip home Wed-Thurs

Please pray as we travel home Wednesday and Thursday for a safe and speedy journey. We look forward to getting back after two months in the US. It has been a wonderful time here in every way. But we are ready to return.

So many good people to thank for making our time here a good one, not least of whom are Micah and Valerie, Joel and Tansy, and Leila. We enjoyed time with our parents and some of our siblings, as well as some uncles.

Time was short in one way, as we traveled in ten states: Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. There was a good bit of back and forth as well, which couldn't be helped, but turned out well.

For the first month, we borrowed several vehicles for travel. During the second, we rented a car. Rentals are very expensive for such a long time, and considering that we need insurance, since we're not covered by any US policies. No perfect solution on that.

I was able to preach and teach from the Word more this trip than previous ones, which I liked, but not sure how that works out in terms of our need to raise funds. We go back with that need still undefined, but we trust that the Lord will provide.

Pray also for me: Saturday week I teach about 40 Christian workers, none in full-time ministry, on how to study and teach the Bible. Most are from São Paulo, where the seminar will be held, a few from other cities.

Next week, also, daughter Leila comes home for a couple of weeks. Pray that her trip is safe and pleasant as well.

The bags are packed ...