Galway Church - Filling In The Blanks

Novena to the Sacred Heart (Never known to fail.)

“Dear Heart of Jesus, In the past I have asked you for favours.  This time I ask you for this special favour _________ (insert your request here) ______________.  Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your father sees it.  Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine.  Amen”

Say this prayer for three days.  Promise publication and favour will be granted.

The prayer above was taken from this Tuesday’s edition of the Connacht Sentinel.  While the words are beautiful, I would entreat my Catholic friends, or others who pray according to prewritten texts like this, to re-examine their reasons for doing so.  The Biblical picture of prayer is a pouring out of one’s soul before God (see Psalm 42:4).  There is no Biblical example of a formulaic prayer, for which success is guaranteed following a set number of repetitions, as in the novena above.  Jesus told his followers, “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions” (Matthew 6:7a).