Early Will I Seek You, Lord

For the Thirst for God FB group.

Early will I seek you, Lord,
At dawn of day,
To hear you in the blessed Word,
And to you pray.

I seek your strength in dawn's weak light,
For all that follows,
To lean upon your saving might
That feeds the swallows.

First in heart and first in time,
To you I come,
Your fullest life to me sublime,
Both part and sum.

—JRMatheny, written at this moment

Say amen

Seems like I'm using this secondary blog mainly, at the moment, to share my writings across the Internet. But we'll get it figured out in a bit. Just in time for when the full features come online.

So for now, here again, a link, to yet another prayer: "Put Us on Our Feet." Common meter, but I hope, uncommon words. Three short stanzas you can say amen to.