If I exhibit strange behavior ...

... in my emails, it's because I'm experimenting with my email server's beta interface. I'm already addicted to it. The old was already excellent, and the service itself is beyond any other I've used, including gmail. Try it out.

Disclosure: If you sign up through this link and ever decide to pay for the service later on, I'll get a few pennies. But even if I didn't, I'd recommend it. I've been a paying customer since 2002.

I said I'd never pay for something that you could get for free. But after using this service, boy, did I change my mind. In 10-plus years I have yet to max out any of the limits, including storage. And while there have been a few bumps along the way, this one has given me far fewer problems than any other service I've used, including WordPress (speaking broadly of services besides email), which is also an excellent option.

Someone may think that email is on the way out, since many are turning more to texting and social media, but in the foreseeable future there's no better option to secure communication than email.

This company is one of the big boys. They know what they're doing. And they don't mine your information for advertising. They also know how to cull the junk out of your email as well. The features are nigh to endless.

They offer a choice of domains for your email address, much like flavors of ice cream. Once you sign up, try the beta interface. (Though I don't know if the freebie accounts have access to it yet. I assume so.) One friend told me today that he has signed on, and I didn't even say anything to him about it. Why not try it yourself?