Three options for you

The final decisions, for now anyway, about where this blog will get shared and how you can follow it, if you desire such punishment:

  1. The best way is to subscribe by inserting your email in the space below each post or in the left column. Just confirm the email request and it's done.
  2. The only place on Facebook that links to posts here will go is my author page. You can Like and follow it there, though if you blink, you'll miss something.
  3. The JasRandal Twitter account will get links from here, along with other writings of mine on the web.

That's it. Three options. No more. But more than sufficient, don't you think? Sounds like a good trinity.

Fun piece and slow go

Yesterday's poem was the fun piece, "A Tiny Little Easter Egg." So far, so good, through Day 5. Early yet. I remember in 2011 having some challenges before the month was done.

Also read this reflection from the notice of a new book, "Is 'Slow Church' Good or Bad?" Some inspiration appeared last night out of nowhere for this one.

Am considering a short list of social media for Christians. But methinks it may leave some folk miffed. Then again, maybe not.

Remember that at any time you can check with my major online writings on the Twitter JasRandal. This account is a low-volume, links-only feed. You can also check it on my main blog site,

And, of course, don't forget to sign up to this little bloggy space. Most posts here will not show up on social media nor on the Twitter account above. You'll know I've posted only by signing up directly or checking in here manually. I believe the sign-up option is below this post and in the left column.