How to do better at not sinning

Many of my sins aren’t really my fault, it seems to me. Most of them happen because of the people around me, or the situations I face. If any normal person lived my life, he’d probably fare worse than I do.

If Satan gets us thinking like that, he’s already won half the battle.

Chuck Webster with another tremendous devotional thought on temptation and blaming others for our sin.

Teen Bible Lessons - Temptation!

In the midst of military victories for King David (2 Samuel 10 and 12) we find him experiencing personal defeat in his own life. His actions also impacted his relationship with God -- having displeased Him (2 Samuel 11:27) -- and would bring about consequences within his own family as well. (2 Samuel 12:11)

Details well the progression of David's sin with Bathsheba, so that we may avoid temptation in our own lives. Good for teens and adults.