My Thanksgiving short list of things to be thankful for

Here was my short list of things to be thankful for, posted yesterday, after Rafael and I finished up the evangelistic studies Thanksgiving morning.
The plan is still for him to be baptized Saturday at our area-wide fellowship in the city of Tremembé. Please pray for his salvation and for his growth as a new convert.
Continue to prayer for our plans for the new year as well.

I've enjoyed reading many of your thanksgiving lists and of others.

We pray the Lord bless your every good effort for the gospel.

Great day today because ...


It was a great day today, in part, because
  1. Some non-Christians heard the plan of salvation in both congregations;
  2. Christians commented how encouraged and charged they were from hearing Ron Jackson's lessons;
  3. I was privileged to translate Ron's two dynamic sermons on "Let Go and Let God" and "Can These Dry Bones Live Again?";
  4. Two new children of God's family ate the Lord's supper for the first time as his people, and we ate with them;
  5. The Maiden is back home after visiting with a sister in Christ last night;
  6. We had a great class discussion tonight in Taubaté about salvation by grace;
  7. We spent the whole day with fellow Christians, from the time we awoke (had a family spend the night with us) until we dropped Ron off at his hotel around 7 p.m. or later.
How was your day?