My personal site has a wrench thrown in the works, and the webmaster hasn't yet discovered the cause. Posts aren't being saved properly, for some reason, and they don't show up at all. Lately, I've been posting my Daily Bible Devotionals there, along with some poetry and some Journey (journal) entries, when the latter aren't posted on The Fellowship Room. Which is where I've sent the devos lately as well.
So now what? I've been itching to tinker with my personal site. Wondered how much it justifies continuing with it. Much of what was posted there has gone elsewhere: mission reports to (one needed today, urgently), lots of posts sent to TFR. So this gives me moment to pause and reconsider.
I like Posterous so much, I've tinkered with throwing my personal site here, but that would involve some other limitations. Oh, the affliction of having so many choices!