UPLift: Two short pieces and a scenic photo

Before we get to the words, above is a photo of my friend Gerald in east Tenn., made shortly after sunrise. Enjoy the scenery!

Here are two short pieces, one absolutely more positive than the other, but seeing reality for what it is, in all its aspects, helps us to find joy where it must be found.



The gospel's news to make one glad,
To right a wrong regrettable;
And joyful life for the lost and sad,
And love that's unforgettable.

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We're watching Brazil play in the World Cup at the home of friends. We don't have any TV reception at our house. We're enjoying the games and the time with friends.

The Cup does have its darker side, however. Here's an aspect of that, in this piece published to an open-source social medium called Libertree.


A ball, a line, a game,
But look what it became:
Big bucks and politics,
Circus and bread, the same
As Rome, a bag of tricks.

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How about throwing a bone of a comment my way in the area below? It's always good to know people are reading.

May your week be poetic, and your joy magnetic, as the world goes athletic.

6 responses
Good job . I read most of what you write and love it ,keep up the good work
YOU SAID: "Before we get to the words, above is a photo of my friend Gerald in east Tenn., made shortly after sunrise." I looked at that picture for a long time, but I never did see your friend Gerald in the photo. ;-)
Hi, Karl, yeah, I think it must be bad phrasing from influence of the Portuguese language. I meant to say that it's a photo that he took. My bad. :)
Was just teasing you my friend. Not meaning any harm. Was hoping to bring a smile to your face, that is all. True worship is how we live our life in honor and obedience to the One who gave us that life. Karl D Rhoads about.me/karldrhoads
I took it in that spirit, yes. But an editor can't help from overanalyzing at times.
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