Forgot my money

I walked across the plaza and down the street to lunch at the Chinese restaurant where I sometimes eat when at the Snuggery (my office). As I was eating the glazed banana that comes free with the meal, I noticed I'd forgotten my billfold. I had remembered to scoop up some change on the shelf, in case I needed it, but the big notes got left behind.

The Oriental couple who run it don't speak the best Portuguese. So I spoke slowly to make sure the lady behind the counter understood what I was saying. I offered to leave my cell phone as guarantee. But she waved me off, and though I didn't understand all she said, her meaning was clear, not to worry, pay later.

So I hoofed it back to the office, pulled out the R$12 (about US$5.25) for the plate and juice, and trucked it back down the street to pay my outstanding bill. She was very kind about it.