Forgot my money

I walked across the plaza and down the street to lunch at the Chinese restaurant where I sometimes eat when at the Snuggery (my office). As I was eating the glazed banana that comes free with the meal, I noticed I'd forgotten my billfold. I had remembered to scoop up some change on the shelf, in case I needed it, but the big notes got left behind.

The Oriental couple who run it don't speak the best Portuguese. So I spoke slowly to make sure the lady behind the counter understood what I was saying. I offered to leave my cell phone as guarantee. But she waved me off, and though I didn't understand all she said, her meaning was clear, not to worry, pay later.

So I hoofed it back to the office, pulled out the R$12 (about US$5.25) for the plate and juice, and trucked it back down the street to pay my outstanding bill. She was very kind about it.

Someone who curtails our freedom

The head of the Roman church had a good sermon — I liked this part especially — until the last line.

What is the image we have of God? Perhaps he appears to us as a severe judge, as someone who curtails our freedom and the way we live our lives. But the Scriptures everywhere tell us that God is the Living One, the one who bestows life and points the way to fullness of life. I think of the beginning of the Book of Genesis: God fashions man out of the dust of the earth; he breathes in his nostrils the breath of life, and man becomes a living being (cf. 2:7). God is the source of life; thanks to his breath, man has life. God’s breath sustains the entire journey of our life on earth.

Source: Pope: Homily at Mass for Evangelium Vitae Day [full text]

That’s life! Four opportunities in trials: My editorial today on FMag

Life is made up of ups and downs. But some still seem surprised when they hit the speed bumps, when the curve ball comes their way, when the bottom drops out.A study was just released about success and failure in children's lives. When they are told that problems are to be expected and that failure is a part of the process of growth, they do better.

If that is true of kids, it is also true of adults.

Here are four opportunities that the trials of life afford us.

Read the article HERE.#life #problems #opportunities #Christian
via Friendica

All quiet in the mall

All quiet in the biggest mall in town today. The Maiden and I were in and out in a jiffy. But I still got a rash from going in the mall. Here, no Thanksgiving Day (there is, but nobody knows it), and no Black Friday. Living life normally is the way. Now, waiting on The Missus to get back from her doctor's appointment in Sao Paulo. #life #normal
via Friendica