Rain and sunshine together

One more exam of the second round done this morning, the little internal organ showed up as OK on the B&W screen. Come back in a year and drop some more money, says the nice doc with the clipped phrases. So how much of my fee went for the cute little stars on the ceiling that change colors?
Can't access sites on our paid server this morning. Have buzzed the Guy Who Cares for All Things Virtual.
Is the GA out yet? Any subscribers got their copy in the mail? Get our your highlighter pen, since you'll need it for my article. Even though it'll look strange with the whole article in yellow (or pink, whatever the color you use) highlight. My copy will likely take a while to arrive down here.
Ideas popping last night. Methinks most got jotted down. Now to see how many are practical.
Aunt Doris's condition improved yesterday, says a cousin. She's being treated for pneumonia. Waiting on more word.
No cold weather yet, but rain is in the forecast for Tues-Thurs. Yesterday morning on the way to church we had rain and sunshine at the same time. So the wipers were working while I wore my sunglasses. Strange sensation.
Probably not a bad metaphor for life, is it?

Business, ministry, and pleasure


• Talked with my business associate and ministry coworker, Barbara Ann Oliver, who is in Costa Rica working with the church. First time we've chatted in a while. Caught up with her and shared a bit of news from here. We touched on an idea for October.

• Translated a poem into Portuguese — not mine — "Gaining Through Losing," and posted it on the congregational website.

• Spent some time trying to get my online-links Twitter account to post to my FB author's page. Am finally getting it to FB, I think, but not to the page. I use the Twitter option on my regular account for posting to FB, so I'm having to use a workaround.

• The Missus has set me up tomorrow with the 24-hour blood pressure mapping. Can I sleep through it? Grrrr. The stuff these med people come up with to make life uncomfortable. The cardiologist is determined to find something wrong with me.

• The Maiden got the job. She starts at Embraer's Nashville facility on Monday, about 10-15 minutes to the airport from where she lives. We're very thankful for this opportunity for her.

• I wrote on the Brazilian church twitter earlier that we expect palliative measures to satisfy us, and we always come away disappointed. Let's learn to seek Him who satisfies.

Clean feels good

Just back from the dentist for a needed cleaning. He spent an hour scraping and polishing. How good does that make me feel? Not quite like after I was baptized but, if I may risk being sacrilegious, not far behind it. I won't hoist upon you the old saying about cleanliness and godliness. Now I pray I may not see the good dentist for a good while now.

Red tape just to get some exercise

Some time ago I was working out in a gym nearby and the owners had a deadline to present a doctor's release form in order to continue working out there. Some government regulation. This is socialism at work. You can't do anything without the government sticking its nose in it.

Anyway, I went to the family doc, but she wouldn't give me the release form, wanted me to see a cardiologist because of age (as if I were getting old, hrmph!), even gave me my money back which I had paid up front. (Here, you pay the doc before the appointment.) By that time, considering the long wait before getting appointments, we were heading to the US, so I just dropped out of the gym and thought I'd set things up after getting back.

A year later ...

Now I'm going to this new doc whom somebody recommended, since in The Missus's experience cardiologists have not had a good record.

But all I want is a release form so I can exercise or swim or something.

Confirming once again my prejudice against the medical field.

Is there a witch doctor nearby I can consult with? Maybe there I can get in and out quick, for a small fee. And advice just about as good.

(And the reason I wrote all this is to test the autopost from Posthaven to Twitter and Facebook, Yeah!)