Christian attitudes

Studying Christian attitudes both on Wed. nights at our house, in what I call our "Bible readings," and on Sunday afternoons, in our Taubaté Bible studies.

Tonight, Acts 4 on courage. The trait shown and prayed for. We hit verse 12 hard, within its context, as a message to the Jewish rulers. And how that hits us hard today as well, in a world where everything is relative. Which reminds me of some news I heard yesterday or today.

Reward for The Missus after speech

The Missus is off to a women's event in the capital, with three other ladies. She's one of two speakers, her slot this afternoon. She must have been so relieved to get shut of me that she forgot to text me on arrival, so I'd know she made it safely.

Justice was not done today by Psalm 93, in my devotional. "Solid Truth for a Shaken Humanity." But that is true of all treatments of Scripture, is it not?

Just back from lunch at the Emporium, down on the avenue, a nice five-minute stroll from the house. Great food, varied buffet, fresh, tasty, not a bad price. Since a couple of the ladies may have to wait here at the house a bit for their rides after arrival from the capital, I bought a coconut loaf (which The Missus likes muchly) and a chocolate-covered carrot cake. I might just get a taste of the latter before offering it to the ladies. To make sure it's good, of course.

Another group of folk from Taubaté were going to the capital as well, so the idea was to rent a van and everyone go together. That fell through at the minute, so The Missus wound up taking our car. She wasn't happy about that, but no way around it. So I'm working from home today.

The women's event is held annually by one of the larger congregations. I do believe this is The Missus's second time to speak there. (There are other similar events held by other congregations, too, and she has spoken at some of them as well.)

Tomorrow and the Sunday after, I'm teaching the SJC Bible class for Jorge, who is on vacation. We're in Philippians 3. Join us?

At Taubaté, we're studying Christian attitudes. Last week, compassion. Tomorrow, self-denial. The UnSelf. (Remember the old 7-Up commercial?) No way to translate that, by the way. Just came to me, in English.

People seemed to like this four-liner, "Procrastination." You might, too.

It's warming up today after the cold snap, partly cloudy skies. Very Nice Day.

And very quiet around here. With no one to bug, I might just take an after-lunch nap. Since the eyelids are getting heavy ...

Rain and sunshine together

One more exam of the second round done this morning, the little internal organ showed up as OK on the B&W screen. Come back in a year and drop some more money, says the nice doc with the clipped phrases. So how much of my fee went for the cute little stars on the ceiling that change colors?
Can't access sites on our paid server this morning. Have buzzed the Guy Who Cares for All Things Virtual.
Is the GA out yet? Any subscribers got their copy in the mail? Get our your highlighter pen, since you'll need it for my article. Even though it'll look strange with the whole article in yellow (or pink, whatever the color you use) highlight. My copy will likely take a while to arrive down here.
Ideas popping last night. Methinks most got jotted down. Now to see how many are practical.
Aunt Doris's condition improved yesterday, says a cousin. She's being treated for pneumonia. Waiting on more word.
No cold weather yet, but rain is in the forecast for Tues-Thurs. Yesterday morning on the way to church we had rain and sunshine at the same time. So the wipers were working while I wore my sunglasses. Strange sensation.
Probably not a bad metaphor for life, is it?

Ten out of twelve

Over on my blog I mentioned, yesterday I think it was, that I had made up a new Daily Dozen list for myself. Today, so far, 10 out of 12. Not a bad number.

Lots of writing today, prayers, articles, reports, both in English and Portuguese. Check my blog, in the lower right column, for most of my English writings, "All He Wrote." That feed is incomplete and sometimes skippy. Has been hard to find a good one, but we make do.

Time for a movie with The Missus.