Last place

Nobody wants to come in last. Last place is the position of shame. It means either lack of ability or a lack of esteem by others. Nobody seeks to be last on purpose. Unless ...

But when you are invited, go and take the least important place, so that when your host approaches he will say to you, 'Friend, move up here to a better place.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all who share the meal with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 14:10-11 NET

Haman, in the book of Esther, is an example of one who sought to exalt himself. He wound up on the gallows that he himself had built for another.

Jesus recommends humility to us. The point is not that of receiving honor from others, but from God.

Exalted God, who am I that you should take note of my needs, to offer me the gift of your Son, of your Spirit, of your presence?

Every feel like you've been -- Flushed!?

Daniel Collins may not have been literally flushed down the toilet, but he might as well have been. Daniel was working on the Raymore, Missouri sewage system as part of a crew employed by Rosetta Construction. Usually the work is safe, and he had a safety line hooked to him. The trouble for the worker began when that safety line somehow became detached, and he was suddenly plunged down a pipe only 27 inches wide. He kept going down that pipe for more than a mile. Meanwhile, his fellow workers and firefighters were frantically searching for him. Daniel was able to call out one last time loud enough for someone to find him. One of the firefighters, who is also a paramedic, heard Daniel and was able to bring him to safety. The man had bruises, and may have swallowed some of the nasty water; but everyone believes it is miraculous for him to be alive, and in such good physical shape. Daniel did at least a couple of things right during his ordeal that helped him to survive. He did not give up, and he kept on calling out believing that someone would hear him, and come to his rescue. If Daniel had given up on the hope of rescue any sooner, he might never have been found. If he had believed that dying in the sewer pipe was going to happen whether he called for help or not - then, it would likely have been a self-fulfilling prophecy. At times, you may find yourself in a situation in life that feels like you have been flushed down a toilet or worse.

Though from a denominational preacher, this devotional is spot on in this truth, and spoke to me today. Give the whole article a close read.