Untitled paintings and poems. And people?

The no-title-post experiment was fine, except that it shows up as Untitled in the subject line of the email that subscribers get. Not so good. I wouldn't open it with Untitled as title. Would you?
Then again, some of the best art — think paintings and poems — are untitled. Maybe Emily was on to something.

So throw those untitled posts in a drawer, and 50 years later they'll be world-famous. Is that the way it works?

I was tempted to go with untitled this morning for "Morning Silence." At the last minute, I chickened out.

If a work is Untitled, must "Untitled" be placed in quotes? Does it then become a title?

The above painting is Untitled. Um, I think I can see why. I'd be embarrassed to put a name on it.

Has Twitter begun the untitledism movement? Or just perpetuated it?

Can people be untitled? "Hello, my name is Joe, what's yours?" "I'm Untitled."

OK, people have names. And some people have titles. Churchy titles are the weirdest. Senior Pulpit Minister. Lead Servant Minister. The angels read those and untitledly tweet "ROFL."

7-Up tried to have its cake and eat it too. The Uncola. They must have thought Anti-cola was too strong.

I think I may be Anti-Title. After all, who am I to attached a Title to myself?