A friend talks about 1 Pet. 3:7, "That Your Prayers Be Not Hindered" - The Preacher's Files

Often, in the Bible, we are shown what honor is by examples of dishonor. We are commanded to honor father and mother (Exodus 20:12; Eph. 6:1-3) but the “how” of it is given in terms of things not to do. The man who strikes father and mother is worthy of death. The man who withholds financial support in old age, calling it “corban” is breaking the command of God and is worse than an infidel (Mark 7:10-13; 1 Tim. 5:8). We may understand how to honor our wives by recognizing that there is no honor in abuse. In context this refers to undue physical burdens but may refer just as easily to verbal and other kinds of physical abuse.

Prayer is not a spiritual activity performed far from the daily routine of life, nor divorced from one's human relationships. That most intimate of human ties, marriage, affects our prayers, just as prayer may affect our relationships.

Spirituality is not separate from family life. Peter warns that us these cannot be compartmentalized. Life in Christ envelopes the whole. One part badly conducted harms the rest.