No mushroom farm here

The latest and greatest GoSpeak missions ministry report is now online here.

Another prayer is up, based upon (is it good to say, inspired by?) an eighth-century prayer by an unpronounceable name. (The whole line got linked, a bug in Posthaven, but the easier to click upon.)

Soon, as in today, maybe, another Corollaries segment on TFR. Keep clicking.

Say a prayer for a friend today who is facing a tough moment. All I can say.

The Maiden had an interview yesterday at a Big Name Company and goes back for another on Monday with the HR head. Looks like the Monday interview may be a formality to wrap things up before she's admitted to the position. Pray she'll get it if this will be good for her and good for the kingdom.

I thought I had plugged it here, but apparently not. Go read my article on Biblical Notes, "Should evangelism include mention of the church?" Phil Sanders said it was well written, so I guess I got a star.

I mentioned in my report (see first paragraph) that, inspired by (oops, prompted by, maybe?) a Mashable report on creative uses of Pinterest, I got creative with the board "Mission Needs." Perhaps the greatest inspiration were ... tires.

Also in said report, mentioned acima (pics on personal blog), we fixed — we hope — a bad leak problem in a wall of the house. Not mentioned in the report: we had mushrooms growing in the corner of our living room. But the idea of starting a profitable mushroom farm never occurred to us.

More protests today, I'm told, in town and across the country, a general strike of sorts. I've had my nose to the grindstone and cleaning up all the blood and cartilage from that that I hadn't heard until The Missus called to warn me this morning. The restaurant where I went for lunch was closed, presumably because of the demonstrations, so I did an about-face and munched on cheap Chinese. All is quiet around us here. Downtown and spots on the interstate Dutra are percolating, say reports.

Solid night of sleep

Few things can't be solved by a solid night's sleep. I worked from home yesterday — 'twas a state holiday and the cleaning lady swiped down the office — and took a nap on the couch for a bit. I woke up with a pinched or dislocated nerve in my arm. It bothered me a bit for the rest of the day. I didn't take any meds — that's a no-no in my book — but I figured a night's rest would take care of it. And it did.

Two tires on the car are very worn. One is down to the metal, we noticed last night. When we bought the car, it had tires a bit larger than the original specs. Now, price demands we go back to the original size. So that means we'll have to buy four right now, if they can be found on the market. Ouch!

This right before we'll have to leave money to pay two months' worth of bills, before our trip to the US in mid-August.

Another short devotional today on my personal blog, "The Lord gives knowledge." It starts: "Who am I to judge anything? Who are you as well to emit opinions about what others do?" Isn't that what the world loves to say?

On Wed., nights, right before our small group study at the house, I'm doing premarital counseling with Wash. (who was baptized earlier this year). His fiancee is in another state, and she sought out someone there for the same. Doing it with just one of them isn't ideal, but it's far better than nothing.

Prayers, please, for The Maiden with what looks like a good job opportunity.

Way past time to get out a GoSpeak newsletter. Way time.