She wanted an "Expired" parking meter on her grave

Saw this, where else?, on Facebook, and the poster said: "A woman who died wanted a parking meter on her grave that says "Expired". Her nephew got one on ebay and set it right on the road next to her grave for all to see."

And I wrote this little quatrain in her honor:

She gave up the ghost, her meter expired,
She laid down and died, her body was tired;
The bucket appeared, at last did she kick it,
She parked in her space, and left with her ticket.

How Many Read My Lines I'll Never Know

 by J. Randal Matheny
How many read my lines I'll never know,
Or if they quickly scan or read them slow, 
For few, so few, will ever leave a note
 To say they stopped for truths that I promote; 

Nor can I say if they were touched within, 
Where only God's invisible Spirit has been; 
As fingers click to advance the restless soul
And opinions quick to vote from poll to poll.

Although my frequent posts have paltry views,
'Tis mine this task to write and tell Good News;
As few below there be who're moved or stirred,
There's One above who reads my every word.
If you like this poem, please link to it from your site or email, rather than pasting or copying it elsewhere, without permission. Thanks!