Traps in missions reporting and fund-raising

Christian workers shouldn't do these. Hearers (must we call them viewers now?) should beware of them. Note these three traps that are used to manipulate Christians and churches into giving.

Yesterday, in some spots on the Internet, but not in all of my haunts, I noted two audio lessons on missions worth your time.

This message was posted simultaneously by email to both my posterous account and TFR. Life doesn't get much easier than this.

Today's new website, Christian Hub, your springboard for faith

Where else could you find Neal Pollard, Jeff Jenkins, Richard Mansel, Joy Jensen, Matt Clifton, Tim Hall, Mike Benson, Phil Sanders, Steve Higginbotham, Allen Webster, and so many others in one spot?

It's a simple but effective start. And there's more to come. It pulls together the titles and links to articles on most of Forthright Press's websites, as well as a section including friends and ministries from other spots.

It's dubbed Christian Hub.

You can make it your browser's home page, so that when you open up your browser, it will show this site. And you can get caught up on your favorite spots on the Internet.

This is indeed your springboard for faith!

260 million dollars up in smoke, H1N1 flu vaccines to be burned - PatriotPost.US

Imagine lighting $260 million dollars afire -- crazy even in the best of times, let alone these days of economic hardship. But that's what will happen when the government incinerates the 40 million expired doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine. Another 30 million doses will expire soon, and they'll be destroyed as well. It's just another day in the life of the Obama administration, the one that wants to be entrusted with running our health care.

We all remember the hysteria: the threat of a pandemic, complete with projected death tolls and statistics comparing it with the Black Plague and Spanish Influenza. People grew frightened when they learned that they would have to wait for more of the vaccine to be produced. Indeed, a good portion of the vaccine wasn't even ready until the "crisis" had passed, and within a few months the demand had waned. Seems folks figured out that, not only was the swine flu not spreading as feared, but that it wasn't causing anywhere near the number of the deaths as the run-of-the-mill seasonal flu. Now, nearly a year after all the Obama theater, we've wasted hundreds of millions of dollars that we don't have, on a threat that never materialized, while other real threats go unaddressed.

Now, remember, Government knows best about health care ...

Marriage deception, prayer in suffering, state holiday tomorrow

Yesterday I received July’s issue of Bulletin Digest in the mail. 

• Not a few young brides and husbands say of their disappointment in marriage that their mate “deceived” them.

• Another quote? From Eugene Petterson, not my favorite Bible translator, but who has good things to say.

• Seems I just got back, but am working already on our itinerary for a trip in August to the US. Texas, anyone?

• State holiday here tomorrow, everybody seems to already be ready to get started with the festivities.

• You’ve probably read about my impressions of (But you're here reading this, aren't you?)

• This new theme seemed to be prepared to stay, but it’s missing a few features ...

• Last, a word from my namesake, James the brother of the Lord.

All eight items, in full, HERE.

Is Abortion The Lesser Evil? A Surprising Argument From England

That’s what makes Antonia Senior’s op-ed “Yes, Abortion is Killing. But It’s the Lesser Evil,” which appeared in the London Times, so interesting.  It provides a glimpse into what very well may be the future of the abortion debate.

The article is gaining considerable attention in the pro-life community because of its candor and honesty.  Senior presents herself as a once blind adherent to the pro-abortion party line, shouting its catch phrases and following the movement without question.  However, she says, when she had children, her perspective changed, as she realized that her daughter was “unmistakingly herself, her own person—forged in [Senior’s] womb, not by [Senior's] mothering.”  She states that a fetus is life “by any subjective measure.”

You would think that these revelations would lead Senior to a more pro-life stance.  However, she takes it even a step further and says that the “nearly 200,000 aborted babies in the UK every year are the lesser evil,”  because “you cannot separate women’s rights from their right to fertility control.”

The lives of some, then, are less important that other lives. Not all are equal. Women's rights trump all.