The cold, the fog, the stupor

At least, it's not the good, the bad and the ugly. But the sun is hidden this morning, and that makes the cold even more penetrating, even though the temps are in the low 50s. We used the car heater coming into town today. The Wife and The Maiden are still sickly, though the latter is improving.

Our visitor is confirmed for tonight, we pick him up at his hotel just after 6. Apparently, he may follow us in the rental car he has to our house. I hope we have a good number to hear him. I've emailed all my enemies.

Some of the Taubate folk said Sunday that they were planning on coming. The newer ones there haven't met him.

Reminder: take some BCCs home today, to give to people who might come tonight.

The brain seems to be in a stupor this morning. Maybe it was my 19-hour day yesterday. Duh.

Already in process

A friend has a website where he has to send information to his webmaster for updates. It's a static site. So I put together a dynamic little spot to show him what he could do, updating his site himself. He liked it, but ... has already set up with a computer specialist who dabbles in his area to assemble a site that will offer a lot of online resources.
So I deleted the sample I put together. Told him to come back if the other didn't work it. But I hope it does, for him.

If you need help, give me a call.

WP autopost shows code

I've got no solution, not even from the help @ posterous, about why WP autoposts to my personal blog doesn't work. I get code in the text. Theme, maybe? So here goes a test. Stand by.

American visitor this week in SJC

Wednesday night we should see Ron Jackson again as he comes to visit and teach in our home Bible reading group. Ron is a North American rep for Embraer, which has its headquarters here, and he has visited us a couple of times and preached in SJC and Taubate. He greatly encouraged the church here, so we look forward to him being with us again. He arrives in Brazil Tues. and leaves Thurs. or Fri., so we won't have the blessing of his presence on Sunday.

My article today on FMag: Stealing Children

My editorial for the "Final Phase" column on Forthright Magazine today is called "Stealing Children" and makes a spiritual application.

A close friend of ours was in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago with his daughter of four. He pulled the shopping cart up to the checkout counter, picked his daughter up out of the cart and set her down beside him, then began unloading his items on the conveyor belt. When he finished, he turned to his daughter, but she was gone.

Be sure to check it out. I suspect it will provoke reactions.

Short work day today w/ Brazil's game at 3:30 against Chile

Which means I've got to hustle to get it all done before the game. Not sure where we'll watch the game today. If our friends don't call us, we'll probably go to Colinas Mall, about 5 minutes from our house, where they've set up a dozen TVs around the place, half of them in the food court.

Brazil has played Chile twice before, says one site, in World Cup games, beating them both times 4-2 and 4-1. But if they don't improve their game over last Friday, the score may be reversed. But Kaká should be back playing today, so that ought to help.

Temp is up to 63º at almost 11 a.m., so it's going to be a nice day, beautiful blue skies up there.

Using this new service I realize I'm double posting on FB. Hope to get that resolved before long.