Officials with the Y say they hope the new logo will be more inviting. The group's mission is to strengthen communities by focusing on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
If this is their mission, they've already cut their so-called Christian ties, have they not?
by Dick Edgar NOTE: David Lemmons transcribed this from Firm Foundation, 30 June 1959, page 411, and published it in the July 18 issue of his congregation's bulletin, "The Dublin Dew." He searched everywhere, with the greatest of care, as he studied the doctrines of men,
His Bible, neglected, could soon have corrected, if only he'd read it, but then—
From a creed and tradition he took his position and he said with a confident voice:
"I am saved by faith only." No more was he lonely, for he followed the church of his choice. There once was a Teacher, the world's greatest Preacher, and in sacred pages we read
Of the church: how He sought it; He built it, and bought it, to give the salvation we need.
And this church can be found, (It's truth's pillar and ground), and those added by Jesus rejoice.
For by Heaven's conditions, and not by man's traditions, we are saved in the church of His choice. Its members are those who believe He arose, who repent of their wickedness done;
And next, we must stress, "With the mouth" they confess that Jesus, the Christ, is God's Son.
Into Him they're baptized, from the water they rise in newness of life to rejoice.
And these are the souls who have left earthly goals to belong to the church of God's choice!
The mother told KETV in Omaha that Melody met Olney while playing World of Warcraft on the Internet, and that her daughter had become obsessed with the game, sometimes playing as much as 90 hours per week.
Parents who let their children do such things should be jailed as well. Is there no discipline left, no backbone, no love for children any more?
"The one who spares his rod hates his child, but the one who loves his child is diligent in disciplining him' (Proverbs 13:24 NET).
God of Word and words, you crossed the "T"s and dotted the "I"s. Let my faith in you be always an exclamation point. ^RM #prayer
— United Prayer (@unitedprayer) July 16, 2010
Without question what we really lack is greatness of faith. We simply do not trust the Lord.
Check out this sermon outline by Tom Moore on vision. On the quote above, from my experience, I think he's right, so let me be the first to step up with a confession of lack of faith. "I believe, Lord; help my unbelief!"