Today starts Hebrews 1 in our Bible reading plan for slow readers - Join in!

To top it off, we have Ron and Daniel doing summaries of the weekday readings on The Fellowship Room. And Butch Adams is also doing short outlines from these readings on the Dalridge congregational site. So if your reading plan has flagged, why not pick up with us for the remaining months of the year.

It's a cinch, made just for busy or slow readers. Check out the features of the plan HERE and download a PDF file of the readings.

On Christian Hub, which do you prefer, just titles or some text, too?

Right now, on Christian Hub, we have a mixture of both in the various sections. Some have only titles (and maybe date or author); others have some of the text of the posts.

Iin fact, some sections, because of the different services we use to pull the links, won't permit us to pull the post text. But share your preference with us.

It takes about 10 seconds, unless you're a slow reader, and then it'll take 15.

Brazilians in Mexico suffer from wave of violence

A onda de violência ligada ao crime organizado no México, que matou mais de 50 pessoas neste fim de semana, também assusta os brasileiros residentes naquele país.

Translation: The wave of violence connected to organized crime in Mexico, which killed more than 50 people this weekend, also scares Brazilians residing in the country.

More than 25,000 people have died in Mexico since President Calderon assumed office in 2006, says the report.