Health and chocolate mousse

Picking up the dictionary of biblical vocabulary again. Many an obstacle has kept it from getting finished, both technical, logistical, and personal. It will have had a long history before getting to the printer. I have it open in the processor, tweaked an entry. A good restart.

Another Corollaries segment today, about billfolds and embarrassments, along with a bad photo of YoursTruly. Corollaries is a column I write on The Fellowship Room, designed to be weekly, between 700-800 words, fit for the finest publications in the land. If ever a newspaper or syndication service picks it up, I'll certainly be more diligent in the regularity.

Three options for you

The final decisions, for now anyway, about where this blog will get shared and how you can follow it, if you desire such punishment:

  1. The best way is to subscribe by inserting your email in the space below each post or in the left column. Just confirm the email request and it's done.
  2. The only place on Facebook that links to posts here will go is my author page. You can Like and follow it there, though if you blink, you'll miss something.
  3. The JasRandal Twitter account will get links from here, along with other writings of mine on the web.

That's it. Three options. No more. But more than sufficient, don't you think? Sounds like a good trinity.

Forgot my money

I walked across the plaza and down the street to lunch at the Chinese restaurant where I sometimes eat when at the Snuggery (my office). As I was eating the glazed banana that comes free with the meal, I noticed I'd forgotten my billfold. I had remembered to scoop up some change on the shelf, in case I needed it, but the big notes got left behind.

The Oriental couple who run it don't speak the best Portuguese. So I spoke slowly to make sure the lady behind the counter understood what I was saying. I offered to leave my cell phone as guarantee. But she waved me off, and though I didn't understand all she said, her meaning was clear, not to worry, pay later.

So I hoofed it back to the office, pulled out the R$12 (about US$5.25) for the plate and juice, and trucked it back down the street to pay my outstanding bill. She was very kind about it.

Love this browser

Some bad toe-stumper may change my mind, but after a few hours using the Roccat browser for Mac, I'm hooked. Love it. Faster than anything I've used to date. Lots of cool features. This may be my salvation from FireFox.

I got all my Twitter accounts in, so that may tide me over after losing yoono for that.

Today is Day 7 for the National Poetry Writing Month. I'm 7 for 7 (tag napowrimo), but have yet to post today's.

Forthright Mag editorial still to come today, watch for that.

And then there's a work report to do still. Way late on that.

But first, is that a nap calling my name?

Fun piece and slow go

Yesterday's poem was the fun piece, "A Tiny Little Easter Egg." So far, so good, through Day 5. Early yet. I remember in 2011 having some challenges before the month was done.

Also read this reflection from the notice of a new book, "Is 'Slow Church' Good or Bad?" Some inspiration appeared last night out of nowhere for this one.

Am considering a short list of social media for Christians. But methinks it may leave some folk miffed. Then again, maybe not.

Remember that at any time you can check with my major online writings on the Twitter JasRandal. This account is a low-volume, links-only feed. You can also check it on my main blog site,

And, of course, don't forget to sign up to this little bloggy space. Most posts here will not show up on social media nor on the Twitter account above. You'll know I've posted only by signing up directly or checking in here manually. I believe the sign-up option is below this post and in the left column.

Shifts in habits

Losing Firefox has caused some major shifts in online behavior, because it was my main gateway both online as well as for use of some offline tools. I'm still adjusting to them, casting about for some substitutes and options that I've lost in the change.

But it's also causing changes in areas that aren't directly affected.

One is the use of this site to do more of my mini-blogging. There'll be less social-media sharing from here, since the world already sees too much of me that way, as it is.

So if you really want to keep up with me, sign up to this site, as well as my main blog. Here, you'll get all the small stuff; there the bigger items.

That's all for now!

Single people can serve

In a guest editorial on Richard Mansel's blog, Stan Mitchell gives churches the what-for:

Brethren, it’s time someone said something about this! We are limiting ourselves as a fellowship when we shut these good people out of service. On the mission field, single people can serve without the limitations of a married man; in our pulpits they can serve with distinction, just as preachers in Bible times did. The Lord’s kingdom has been hurt by our blinders, our prejudice against single people. Let me be blunt and urgent. It needs to stop!